Sunreaver Construct

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For the NPCs that appear during the Siege of Orgrimmar instance, see Sunreaver Construct (Siege of Orgrimmar).
HordeSunreaver Construct
Image of Sunreaver Construct
Race Arcane golem (Mechanical)
Level 32-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Sunreaver Onslaught
Location Wildvine Marsh, Isle of Thunder
Status Killable

Sunreaver Constructs are arcane golems found at Wildvine Marsh or Dawnseeker Promontory of Isle of Thunder.


  • Achievement boss xt002deconstructor 01.png Electric Smash —  The caster smashes the ground in front of them with a great ball of electricity. Victims in the area suffer great Nature damage.
  • Achievment boss wellofeternity.png Gravity Smash — The caster extracts a sphere of magnetic force out of nearby arcane energies, pulling in nearby foes. Once the sphere is constructed the caster smashes it, inflicting Arcane damage to all enemies caught in the sphere's vicinity.

Objective of


After retrieving supplies from the Silvermoon City portal, sometimes it'll say:




Patch changes

External links