Sunken Junk

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AllianceSunken Junk
Start Nodd Codejack
End Nodd Codejack
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Jade Forest
Experience 111,000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous A [86] The Mission Continues
Next A [85] Explosive Evidence


Collect 8 Waterlogged Scraps.


Hey <name>!

The coast here is littered with scraps of tools and metal from the shipwreck.

The ordinary person might think this is junk, but I'm sure I can salvage most of it. I once repaired a submarine using only a bronze tube and a luffa!

Get me some of the waterlogged scraps along the shore by the ship. I need them for my next project.


You will receive:

  • 9g 80s
  • 111,000 XP


How goes the salvage?


Scraps! Beautiful, lovely, delicious scraps!


Pick up A [10-35] The White Pawn and A [85] Thinning the Herd before heading out. Kill Tideborne cows and/or bulls, loot junk off the ground, then go scour the ship.


  1. A [85] The Missing Admiral & A [86] The Mission Continues
  2. A [85] The White Pawn & A [85] Sunken Junk & A [85] Thinning the Herd
  3. A [85] Explosive Evidence
  4. A [86] Without a Trace

External links