Explosive Evidence

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AllianceExplosive Evidence

Makeshift Dynamite
Start Nodd Codejack
End Nodd Codejack
Level 85 (Requires 85)
Category Jade Forest
Experience 111,000
Rewards 9g 80s
Previous A [85] The White Pawn, A [85] Sunken Junk, A [85] Thinning the Herd
Next A [86] Without a Trace


Plant 4 Makeshift Dynamite near the sunken ship at Sapphire's End. Makeshift Dynamite must be placed at least 10 yards apart.


I must ask you to do one more thin for me, <name>.

The personal effects on this ship cannot be left for others to find. We'll have to destroy it.

I cobbled together some Makeshift Dynamite from the scraps you brought me.

Place the dynamite anywhere on the ship, but take care to not put them too close together.

They might be...uh...a little unwieldy, so you should spread them out in case of premature detonation.


You will receive:

  • 9g 80s
  • 111,000 XP


I didn't hear any explosions. Not that I was expecting to, of course. Are you all done?


Got the job done then? Good.


Head in the ship. It's generally easiest to place the charges along the bottom of the ship, starting at the back wall of the prince's room and along the ground 10 yards away. A buff will appear/disappear depending on range from the charges. Place charges on deck if necessary. Return to Nodd once all four are placed.


  1. A [85] The Missing Admiral & A [86] The Mission Continues
  2. A [85] The White Pawn & A [85] Sunken Junk & A [85] Thinning the Herd
  3. A [85] Explosive Evidence
  4. A [86] Without a Trace

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