Strumner Flintheel

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AllianceStrumner Flintheel
Image of Strumner Flintheel
Title <Armorer>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind, Nethergarde
Location Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands
Status Deceased WoD-Logo-Small.png
Strummer Flintheel's old model.

Strumner Flintheel is a dwarf armor vendor found at Nethergarde Keep in the Blasted Lands.

WoD-Logo-Small.png This section concerns content related to Warlords of Draenor.

Strumner was killed during the Iron Horde attack. He was killed or his body desecrated after death by his own sword being stabbed into his back.


Pointer repair on 32x32.png This vendor offers a repair service.

Inv belt 03.png [Brigandine Belt]
81s 22c
Inv boots 01.png [Brigandine Boots]
1g 21s 80c
Inv bracer 03.png [Brigandine Bracers]
76s 25c
Inv gauntlets 04.png [Brigandine Gloves]
76s 53c
Inv helmet 03.png [Brigandine Helm]
1g 12s 63c
Inv pants 03.png [Brigandine Leggings]
1g 62s 11c
Inv chest plate13.png [Brigandine Vest]
1g 60s 96c
Inv shield 06.png [Crested Heater Shield]
1g 40s 73c
Inv shield 10.png [Ornate Buckler]
1g 34s 67c
Inv chest plate04.png [Platemail Armor]
1g 54s 5c
Inv belt 15.png [Platemail Belt]
75s 71c
Inv boots plate 08.png [Platemail Boots]
1g 13s 14c
Inv bracer 14.png [Platemail Bracers]
76s 30c
Inv gauntlets 29.png [Platemail Gloves]
76s 58c
Inv helmet 03.png [Platemail Helm]
1g 14s 44c
Inv pants 04.png [Platemail Leggings]
1g 53s 47c


  • His original title was <Armor Crafter>.
  • He used to be the only repair vendor in Blasted Lands for Alliance characters before the Cataclysm.
  • Even though he is a dwarf vendor, he does not have spoken dialogue even if a player targets him.
  • Strumner Flintheel was originally the name of the hunter trainer in Stormwind during the original WoW beta.

External links

Alive Deceased