Struct LossOfControlData

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Field Type Description
locType string Effect type, e.g. "SCHOOL_INTERRUPT"
spellID number Spell ID causing the effect
displayText string Name of the effect, e.g. "Interrupted"
iconTexture number FileID
startTime number? Time at which this effect began, as per GetTime()
timeRemaining number? Number of seconds remaining.
duration number? Duration of the effect, in seconds.
lockoutSchool number Locked out spell school identifier; can be fed into GetSchoolString() to retrieve school name.
priority number
displayType number An integer specifying how this event should be displayed to the player, per the Interface-configured options:
  • 0: the effect should not be displayed.
  • 1: the effect should be displayed as a brief alert when it occurs.
  • 2: the effect should be displayed for its full duration.