Strange Brew (quest)

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AllianceStrange Brew
Start Borgrim Stouthammer
End Borgrim Stouthammer
Level 20-30
Category Blade's Edge Mountains
Experience 11300 EXP (or 6g 78s at level 70)
Rewards 3g 50s


Borgrim Stouthammer wants you to procure 11 Bloodmaul Brutebane Brew for him. Once you've done that, return it to him at Sylvanaar in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


If I'm going to start this vacation out right, then I'm going to need more brew. Unfortunately, the elves know nothing of the fine art of fermentation.

I overheard that the Bloodmaul ogres down in the ravine have plenty. I'm willing to give it a try.

Do me a favor? Head south through the Living Grove and then down the ramp to the east into Bloodmaul Outpost and procure me some? I hear they have big barrels of it laying around and that their brewmasters carry it around to all the other ogres.


You will receive:

  • 3g 50s
  • 11300 XP (or 6g 78s at level 70)


It's getting pretty dry around here. How am I supposed to enjoy my vacation without something to drink?


What is that smell? Oh no, don't tell me that's the ogre brew?!

I'm almost afraid to try this stuff out. Oh well, what the hell? Bottoms up!


  • ACK! That's the worst thing I've ever tasted! I wouldn't let my ram drink that!

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