Stormcoil Dragoon

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MobStormcoil Dragoon
Image of Stormcoil Dragoon
Gender Male
Race Naga (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormcoil
Location Darkwood Shoal, Vol'dun
Status Killable

Stormcoil Dragoons are Stormcoil naga located in Darkwood Shoal in Vol'dun. During H [30-60] Wrath of the Tiger, many of them are part of the Stormcoil army that invade the Shrouded Shore.


  • Spell lifegivingspeed.png Serpent Charge — Charges towards an enemy.
  • Spell shaman tidalwaves.png Wavebreaker — The caster smashes the target, inflicting Physical damage and reducing damage dealt by the victim for 8 sec.

Objective of


Stub.png Please add any available information to this section.

Icon-search-48x48.png This section contains information that needs to be cleaned up. Reason: Should be ordered in the context they're spoken in in-game (e.g., separate aggro and death quotes).

Main article: They Came From The Sea#Notes
  • Abyss take you...
  • For Queen Azshara!
  • For the queen!
  • I'll taste your blood, landwalker!
  • My life... for... Azshara...
  • My queen... I've... failed...
  • Perish, landwalker!
  • Seas... swallow you...
  • The tide... ebbs...
  • To the abyss with you!
  • Your flesh will feed the depths!

Patch changes

External links

Regular Wrath of the Tiger Spirit