Stoneskin Gatekeeper

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MobStoneskin Gatekeeper
Image of Stoneskin Gatekeeper
Race Gargoyle (Undead)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Icecrown Citadel
Status Killable

Stoneskin Gatekeepers are gargoyles found in Icecrown Citadel during N Death knight [10-45] The Call of Icecrown. Two of them are guarding the gate leading to the Spire and need to be damaged until they turn to stone, at which point at least one of them must then be moved onto one of the pressure plates using [Death Grip] while the death knight themselves stand on the other plate in order to open the gate.


  • Ability deathknight summongargoyle.png Hardened — Turns into heavy stone. This unit may still be moved.

Patch changes

External links