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Stone of The Unbound

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Stone of The Unbound.

Stone of The Unbound is located on the Isle of Dorn.



In this spot, a gathering of like-minded Stonebound took place--

A gathering Of earthen that for millennia have witnessed the cracks in our society created by the unquestioning belief in our creators, the titans, and their return.

A gathering of earthen that wish to no longer be bound to the Edicts of long-gone oppressors.

Henceforth, we, the Stonebound gathered here, declare ourselves the Unbound, free of the titans and Edicts.

Now, we will go forth from this place to enlighten others that they can leave their directives behind and live as they see fit.

And words of this first meeting will forever remain here on this stone: the Stone of the Unbound.

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