Stinger Venom

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AllianceStinger Venom
Start Puluu
End Puluu
Level 10-30
Category Zangarmarsh
Experience 10750
Reputation +250 Kurenai
Rewards 7g 40s


Bring 6 Marshlight Bleeder Venom to Puluu at the Orebor Harborage.


When I speak to draenei, I often get the sense that they consider themselves removed from their environment. Many seem to pity my brethren, the Broken, who they say have lost something.

We Broken may have lost our inclination toward the Light, but our experiences have brought us closer to the land.

My people see opportunities where few draenei do. Take, for example, the venom of the marshlight bleeders that live to the south and west. It has a wide variety of uses from hunting to healing.


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I hope to demonstrate the uses of bleeder venom to Anchorite Ahuurn and the others at Telredor. That's going to require me to double my supply.


Thank you for bringing this venom, <name>. It will go a long way toward making my demonstration possible without depleting my personal stores.

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