Still Valuable (Horde)

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HordeStill Valuable
Start Wavespeaker Tulra
End Wavespeaker Tulra
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 27700
Reputation +250 Horde
Rewards 7g 80s
Previous H [30-35] We Are Not Alone
Next H [30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [30-35] Still Valuable.


Obtain 5 Mysterious Pearls from Idra'kess Warlords and Idra'kess Prophets inside of Nespirah.


My time in the pearl pits, however short, has made me curious about the naga's goals. Yes, I now know that the naga want to use Nespirah as an engine of war, but if that's the case, then why are they enslaving men to mine her pearls?

Assuming we escape this creature's hull, I would very much like to study these objects. The pearls we found in the pits were much too large to carry, but I've seen the warlords and prophets occasionally carrying around smaller ones.


You will receive: 7g 80s


The naga must have some ulterior motive with these pearls. If I had time to study them, I'm certain I could figure it out.


Brilliant work!

<Tulra tucks the pearls away beneath her armor.>

Now I just need you and Legionnaire Nazgrim to get me safely out of here. I can handle the studies from there on.


Kill naga until 5 drop, including the surprise ambushers.


  1. N [30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom
  2. N [30-35] Nespirah
  3. N [30-35] Making Contact
  4. N [30-35] Slave Labor / N [30-35] Stick it to Them
  5. N [30-35] Capture the Crab
  6. N [30-35] Breaking Through
  7. B [30-35] We Are Not Alone
  8. B [30-35] Body Blows / B [30-35] Hopelessly Gearless / B [30-35] Still Valuable
  9. B [30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
  10. B [30-35] Waking the Beast

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