Making Contact (Shimmering Expanse)

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For other quests with this name, see Making Contact.
NeutralMaking Contact
Start Earthmender Duarn
End Earthmender Duarn
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 13850
Reputation +75 Earthen Ring
Rewards 3g 90s
Previous Nespirah
Next N [30-35] Slave Labor, N [30-35] Stick it to Them


Observe as Earthmender Duarn attemps to communicate with Nespirah.


I can't believe that Nespirah would willingly allow these naga to take residence in her shell. As I see it, one of two things have happened: they have convinced her to willingly join their cause, or they have weakened her to a point where she cannot fight back. Either one is bad.

Here in this chamber, I should be able to communicate directly with Nespirah. Let us find out for ourselves. Speak to me when you are prepared, <class>.


You will receive: 3g 90s


Nespirah needs our help. If nothing else, I can sense that.


That didn't go well. For some reason, the beast won't speak back to me.

<Duarn is clearly frustrated.>

If only Erunak had not left us! He would know what to do.


Talk to Duarn:

This creature... she is quite old, and very wise. We stand to learn a great deal about Vashj'ir and the naga, if we can only speak with Nespirah.

Gossip Whenever you're ready, Duarn.

Earthmender Duarn yells: Spirit of Life, lend me your aid!
Earthmender Duarn yells: Grant me the clarity to speak with this creature!
Earthmender Duarn shuffles uncomfortably.
Earthmender Duarn says: Nothing is happening... something must be preventing me from speaking with her.


  1. N [30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom
  2. N [30-35] Nespirah
  3. N [30-35] Making Contact
  4. N [30-35] Slave Labor / N [30-35] Stick it to Them
  5. N [30-35] Capture the Crab
  6. N [30-35] Breaking Through
  7. B [30-35] We Are Not Alone
  8. B [30-35] Body Blows / B [30-35] Hopelessly Gearless / B [30-35] Still Valuable
  9. B [30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
  10. B [30-35] Waking the Beast

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Hotfix (2010-12-08): Earthmender Duarn's yell is now only visible to the player interacting with him for the quest "Making Contact".
  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Added.

External links