Capture the Crab

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NeutralCapture the Crab
Start Earthmender Duarn
End Earthmender Duarn
Level 30-35
Category Shimmering Expanse
Experience 20800
Reputation +150 Earthen Ring
Rewards 5g 90s
Previous N [30-35] Slave Labor, N [30-35] Stick it to Them
Next Breaking Through


Use Duarn's Net to capture a Deepseeker Crab inside of Nespirah.


Everything in my body tells me that Nespirah is trying to speak with me but I cannot hear her. Perhaps the naga have done something to her voice.

<Duarn thinks to himself for a moment.>

Nespirah's voice may be suppressed... that means... we need to find a voice for her!

I've got it. The Idra'kess have been known to train deepseeker crabs as battle companions. Use this net to capture a crab and bring it to me. You will likely find them prowling the chamber's outer edges.


You will receive: 5g 90s


I hope this works. My skills as a shaman are limited, and I fear that this task may be too much for us.


<Duarn looks at the crab and disguises a frown.>

It doesn't look very impressive, does it?


Head out, find a harpooner/crab combination, net the crab, loot it while it's friendly, then kill the harpooner.


  1. N [30-35] A Pearl of Wisdom
  2. N [30-35] Nespirah
  3. N [30-35] Making Contact
  4. N [30-35] Slave Labor / N [30-35] Stick it to Them
  5. N [30-35] Capture the Crab
  6. N [30-35] Breaking Through
  7. B [30-35] We Are Not Alone
  8. B [30-35] Body Blows / B [30-35] Hopelessly Gearless / B [30-35] Still Valuable
  9. B [30-35] Overseer Idra'kess
  10. B [30-35] Waking the Beast

Patch changes

External links

Alliance Horde