Stephanie Sindree

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MobStephanie Sindree
Image of Stephanie Sindree
Title <Fruit and Fish Vendor>
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Former affiliation(s) Lordaeron
Location King's Square & Festival Lane, Old Stratholme
Status Undead
An undead Stephanie.

Stephanie Sindree is a human found in King's Square in Old Stratholme. She runs a small stand selling fruit and fish.

Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During The Deaths of Chromie, Stephanie ate the grain and was turned into an Enraging Ghoul.


  • Item Cost
    5x  [Tundra Berries] 85s
    5x  [Savory Snowplum] 1g 60s
  • Item Cost
    5x  [Fillet of Icefin] 85s
    5x  [Poached Emperor Salmon] 1g 60s
  • Quotes

    When approached you see an Agitated Stratholme Citizen giving her a hard time:

    Agitated Strathome Citizen says: My wife and children are sick in bed because of the poison you sold me!
    Stephanie Sindree says: It wasn't my food!
    Agitated Strathome says: Don't try to weasel out of this!
    Stephanie Sindree says: Please, it's not my fault! If... if I give you a refund, maybe you can speak to a healer? I don't know what you expect me to do!
    Agitated Strathome Citizen says: That... no, keep your filthy money! It won't help my family!
    The Deaths of Chromie
    Stephanie Sindree says: So much grain! The farmers really outdid themselves this week.
    Brandon Eiredeck says: Better start distributing it to the rest of the townfolk. People need to eat.


    • Her shop, and now her, are references to the Blizzard forum poster known as Syndri.


    Patch changes

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