Starving Buzzard (Vol'dun)

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This article is about the Vol'dun mobs. For the Badlands mobs, see Starving Buzzard.
MobStarving Buzzard
Image of Starving Buzzard
Race Buzzard (Beast)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Scorched Sands Arena, Vol'dun
Status Killable
Pet family Carrion bird

Starving Buzzards are buzzards seen in the Scorched Sands Arena in Vol'dun while the player is transformed into a saurid during N [30-60] Saurid Surprise. Some can be seen fighting Scorpashi Venomtails or feasting on Sethrak Invader corpses.


  • Although they are members of the carrion bird pet family, they are impossible to tame since they can only be seen while the player is transformed into a saurid and unable to use any of their regular abilities.

Patch changes

External links