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Stabby Jane

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NeutralStabby Jane
Image of Stabby Jane
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 10-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Castaway Point, Tiragarde Sound
Status Alive

Stabby Jane is a human located at Castaway Point in Tiragarde Sound.




I'm Jane. I was a sellsword serving on a merchant vessel before the sirens dragged us in.

These folk fished me outta the tideway, gave me a nickname, and have been like a family ever since.

They may seem a bit odd, but they're good, honest people. For some of them, washing up here was a welcome change from whatever life they endured before. A chance to start over. Others are just trying to survive untill[sic] they can get back home.

Facing off against the siren sisters in B [35-60] Silencing the Sisters
  • That's enough singing from you two!
  • Good work. Maybe some day these waters will be safe again.

Patch changes

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