Spirit of the Alpha

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Spirit of the Alpha
Ability hunter pet wolf.png
  • Spirit of the Alpha
  • Shaman rune
  • 30 yd range
  • 8% of base mana
  • Instant
  • Infuses the target with the spirit of an alpha wolf, increasing all threat generated by the target by 45% for 30 min. Limit 1 target. If cast on a target other than self, the Shaman also gains Loyal Beta, increasing Physical damage done by 5% and reducing all threat generated by 30% for 30 min. A target cannot have both Spirit of the Alpha and Loyal Beta at the same time.
Class Shaman
School Nature
Cooldown None/Global Cooldown
Related buffs
  • Magic
  • Spirit of the Alpha
  • Increases threat generated by 45%.
  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Loyal Beta
  • Physical damage done increased by 5% and all threat generated reduced by 30%.
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Spirit of the Alpha is a Shaman rune for boots. It is learned from  [Rune of the Alpha].

Patch changes

  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.2 (2024-04-02): The "Loyal Beta" effect that the shaman would gain upon casting Spirit of the Alpha on another friendly target now grants a flat 5% damage bonus to the Shaman who cast it (was 20% attack power), as well as granting that shaman a 30% reduction in threat generated.
  • WoW Icon update.png Hotfix (2024-02-27): Now grants the casting Shaman 20% increased Attack Power if they cast the spell on a target other than themselves.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.15.1 (2024-02-06): Added.

External links