Spinebreaker Post (quest)

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HordeSpinebreaker Post
Start Apothecary Zelana
End Apothecary Albreck
Level 10-30
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 1650 EXP (or 10s 20c at level 70)
Reputation +25 Thrallmar
Rewards 23s


Apothecary Zelana at Reaver's Fall wants you to speak with Wing Commander Brack to take a wyvern to Spinebreaker Post, and then bring the  [Bleeding Hollow Blood Sample] to Apothecary Albreck at Spinebreaker Post.


<Name>, my equipment here is, unfortunately, not configured for all the tests I'd like to perform. However, my colleague at Spinebreaker Post, Apothecary Albreck, possesses the required implements.

I have acquired a sample of Bleeding Hollow blood -- gained from a past mission of Thrallmar's agents. Take the sample to Albreck and allow him to study it.

To reach Spinebreaker Post, speak with Wing Commander Brack, near the wyverns to the south.


You will receive:


Welcome to Spinebreaker Post. How might my talents serve you?


A blood test, is it? It will be my pleasure. I always enjoy working with blood...


Speaking with Wing Commander Brack
Gossip Lend me a Windrider. I'm going to Spinebreaker Post!
On completion
Apothecary Albreck says: Please excuse me while I begin my tests...
Apothecary Albreck says: Interesting...
Apothecary Albreck says: But what is this?
Several Cursed Scarabs appear.
Apothecary Albreck says: Oh, my!
Apothecary Albreck says: If my blood hadn't clotted long ago, it would be boiling with rage right now...


  1. H [10-30] Bonechewer Blood
  2. H [10-30] Apothecary Zelana
  3. H [10-30] Spinebreaker Post
  4. H [10-30] Boiling Blood
  5. H [10-30] Apothecary Antonivich
  6. H [10-30] A Burden of Souls
  7. H [10-30G] The Demoniac Scryer
  8. H [10-30] Report to Nazgrel
  9. H [10-30] The Foot of the Citadel

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