Spelunking the Den

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NeutralSpelunking the Den
Start Cataloger Daela [34.3, 60.0]
End Cataloger Daela [34.3, 60.0]
Level 70 (Requires 70)
Type Daily
Category The Forbidden Reach
Experience 9,500
Reputation +350 Dragonscale Expedition
+350 Dark Talons
+350 Obsidian Warders
Rewards 450x [Elemental Overflow]
28g 9s
Previous N [70] New Adventures
Climbing gear in the Skyfox Den

Spelunking the Den is a rock climbing World Quest for the Dragonscale Expedition, but in daily quest form.


Explore the Skyfox Den's ceiling using Dragonscale Expedition climbing gear inside the cave.


Did you have a chance to visit the Skyfox Den? A very exciting place, from what I've heard. Expedition's spelunkers started surveying the cave and even installed a few grappling hooks on the ceiling, but they were scared away by violent slyverns.

Can you do me a favor? Get inside the Skyfox Den, grab the abandoned gear, and check the ceiling for any hidden crevices. Who knows what could be hidden inside?


You will receive:


Found anything exciting there?


Well done! My research and writing never end. I'm glad you've seen what's in the den firsthand.


Primalist Cache

The Climbing Gear is on the ground just inside the Skyfox Den, then interact with the grappling hook on the ceiling to start the rock climbing on stalactite handholds and regular handholds. Get the  [Primalist Cache Key] from a sack hanging on the other side of the column that players start at, then loop back around to the southeast to get to another grappling hook where the Primalist Cache is. Open it with the key to obtain the Primalist Focus.


Patch changes

External links