Spectral Citizen

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MobSpectral Citizen
Image of Spectral Citizen
Race Human (Undead)
Level 54 - 56 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Lordaeron
Occupation Commoner
Location Stratholme
Status Killable

Spectral Citizens are human ghosts who perished in Stratholme when it was devastated by Prince Arthas, but don't even seem to realize they are dead.


  • Spell shadow fingerofdeath.png Debilitating Touch — Reduces an enemy's Strength by 20 and its Stamina by 20 for 15 sec.
  • Spell shadow blackplague.png Haunting Phantoms — Curses an enemy for 30 sec., causing it to be periodically haunted by malevolent ghosts.

Objective of


Patch changes

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