Southshore (WC2 demo)

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For other usages, see Southshore (disambiguation).
Warcraft II Tides of Darkness - Humans Mission 02 (game demo).png
Location Southshore, Hillsbrad Foothills
Result Alliance of Lordaeron victory

Alliance of Lordaeron


Orcish Horde

Commanders and leaders

Alliance of Lordaeron

  • Unknown Alliance commander

Orcish Horde

  • Unknown Horde commander
Casualties and losses

Alliance of Lordaeron

  • Light

Orcish Horde

  • Moderate
Previous Alliance Hillsbrad
Next Alliance Zul'dare
Alternate level Horde Dun Argath
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.

Southshore is the second mission of the Alliance campaign in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness Shareware.

This is an early version of the mission Southshore as seen in the retail game. It shares the same mission objectives, but the map design and mission briefing are slightly different.

Mission briefing

Based on information from your scouts at the Hillsbrad outpost, the Alliance believes that the Orcs are operating from a hidden location in the southern islands.

Daelin Proudmoore, lord of Kul Tiras, and Grand Admiral of the Lordaeron Fleet, has ordered that you begin preliminary construction of naval facilities.

Your craftsman will require a Shipyard and vast amounts of oil to build seagoing vessels.



Alliance of Lordaeron
Orcish Horde