Southsea Sailor

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MobSouthsea Sailor
Image of Southsea Sailor
Gender Both
Race(s) Human, Goblin, Gnoll (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Southsea Freebooters
Occupation Sailor
Location Southsea Holdfast, Thousand Needles
Status Killable

Southsea Sailors are humans, goblins, and gnolls located in the Southsea Holdfast in Thousand Needles.


  • Inv drink 11.png Bottle of Grog — Tosses a bottle of grog at an enemy, inflicting Physical damage and getting them intoxicated.
  • Trade fishing.png Fishing — Equip a fishing pole and find a body of water to fish. Right-Click on the bob in the water when it splashes to catch your fish. Higher skill increases your chance of fishing successfully in higher level areas.

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