Snickerfang Pup

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MobSnickerfang Pup
Image of Snickerfang Pup
Race Hyena (Beast)
Level 10-40
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dreadmaul tribe, Iron Horde
Location Dreadmaul Post, Blasted Lands
Status Killable
Companion(s) Dreadmaul Packmaster (master)
Pet family Hyena

Snickerfang Pups are hyenas found at Dreadmaul Post in the Blasted Lands. They serve as battle pets to Dreadmaul ogres, two pups are following each Dreadmaul Packmaster.


  • Ability creature disease 03.png Festering Wound — Inflicts Nature damage to an enemy every 3 sec. and healing taken reduced by 25%.

Patch changes

External links