Smart spell

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A smart spell is a spell that behaves intelligently in response to a situation. A smart spell's behavior usually involves selection of targets, attempting to make the optimal selection from those available.


  • 'Smart utility spells' such as [Tranquility] focus on targets that are most in need, or that are deemed the highest priority.


Many smart spells are area of effect (AoE) spells, but choose a fixed number of targets within that area based upon certain criteria. Compared to their non-smart equivalents, such spells can save the player from wasting much of their spell's effect on targets which are less important or less in need, or prevent the spell from affecting undesirable targets. This can be seen as an alternative to the diminishing effects many non-smart AoE spells suffer from when more than a certain number of eligible targets are within range. Smart heals minimise overhealing by selecting targets that are most in need of healing.

Patch changes

  • Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.0.2 (2014-10-14): Smart heals will now randomly pick any injured target within range instead of always picking the most injured target. Priority will still be given to players over pets.