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Image of Slanknen
Gender Male
Race Soulshape (Humanoid / Undead)
Level 55-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Night Fae
Location Spirit Glen, Ardenweald; Crucible of the Damned, Maw
Status Active
Slanknen as a soul.

Slanknen is a soulshape located in Ardenweald. They are initially found as a soul in the Spirit Glen. They were an environmental protector in life.[1]

He is looked over by Choofa who asked the Maw Walker to wake and restore him.[2] He can later be found in the attendance in the Star Lake Amphitheater with the other fae denizens.[3]

Later, Slanknen, rescued from water in Glitterfall Heights, was among the soulshapes invited to the Ember Court by the Maw Walker,[4] with whom he and the others became best friends.[5]

Later, Slanknen and the soulshape crew were on Krrprripripkraak as they fought against the Mawsworn enemies at the Crucible of the Damned in the Maw.[6]

Objective of



Spirit Glen

Oh dearie me. I seem to be rather far away from where I'm supposed to be.

I am so tired. If only I could lay my head down and rest...

Tirna Vaal

Oh my, it's so nice to be somewhere relatively safe again. It's just so wild out there sometimes!

Patch changes


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