Nothing Left to Give

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NeutralNothing Left to Give
Start Choofa [67.1, 32.2]
End Choofa
Level 55-60
Category Ardenweald
Experience 6,800
Rewards 24g 57s
Previous N [55-60] Spirits of the Glen
Next N [55-60] Mizik the Haughty


Restore soul shapes to Slanknen, Rury and Awool in the Spirit Glen.


Oh no, oh no!

My friends, they gave so much. So much of their anima, they lost their forms! We all take a form when we come here, you see. Something that suits us!

But we give our anima, we give! To help the groves. And we give so much, that sometimes it's too much.

I still have some anima. I still have my form! Get me to my friends! We can get THEIR forms back!


You will receive:

  • 24g 57s
  • 6,800 XP


Oh dear, oh dear. My friends are in trouble!


You found them! You found my friends! They have their forms!

Now we have one last thing to do. One last thing!


On accept:

Choofa says: We must save them! Hurry!


I was doing just fine, having a little nap. What's the big fuss?
Gossip The fuss is, it's time to leave.
Rury says: What an odd creature you are.
Choofa says: They're helping us, Rury!


Oh dearie me. I seem to be rather far away from where I'm supposed to be.
I am so tired. If only I could lay my head down and rest...
Gossip Let's get you out of here.
Slanknen says: Now what sort of spirit are you?
Choofa says: They're not a spirit, Slanknen!


I've got this! I've got this! No, I don't got this.
Gossip It's fine, you can leave with me now.
Choofa says: Awool! You're okay!
Awool says: I can fly again! Thank you, Choofa!


  1. N [55-60] Spirits of the Glen
  2. N [55-60] They Need to Calm Down and N [55-60] Nothing Left to Give
  3. N [55-60] Mizik the Haughty
  4. N [55-60] Souls Come Home

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