Slain Watchman

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NeutralSlain Watchman
Image of Slain Watchman
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Friendly
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Duskhaven, Gilneas[32.9, 66.3]
Status Deceased

The Slain Watchman's body is located on the outskirts of Duskhaven in Gilneas. This unfortunate soul had the misfortune of holding the watch overlooking the waters off the coast and was undoubtedly murdered by the invading Forsaken vanguard in order to mask their approach until the last second.



  • After accepting the above quest, a Forsaken Assassin will spawn and attempt to kill the player. This is likely the same assassin that killed the Watchman.

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