Sky Drop Rescue

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HordeSky Drop Rescue
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Type World Quest
Category Tiragarde Sound
Reputation +75 Proudmoore Admiralty
+75 The Honorbound



Nathanos Blightcaller says: This is a rescue mission. Find our captured soldiers, free them, and make your way to the extraction point. I am authorizing the use of lethal force. In fact, I recommend it.


You will receive:

You will also receive one of the following:


Nathanos Blightcaller says: Certainly wasn't a quiet operation, but it was effective.


At Algerson Lumber Yard, speak with Paratrooper Ort.

Need a lift?
Gossip I need to infiltrate the Proudmoore Barracks
The player is mounted on a Grand Wyvern.

Once in position, use Drop Glider. To rescue the prisoners, click on Balls and Chains.

Captive Ta'dom says: You saved me from a terrible fate.
Captive Idina says: I've had enough of this!
Captive Tanra says: I'm soaked to my socks! Thank you.
Captive Ortuk says: I'm not washing another pair of those filthy humans' underwear!

Once completed, the Signal Flare extra button appears that summons the Flight Master's Mount to Plunder Harbor.

Patch changes

External links