Silver Golem

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MobSilver Golem
Image of Silver Golem
Race Golem (Mechanical)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Tomb of Tyr and Darkwalk, Tirisfal Glades

Silver Golems are golems located in the Tomb of Tyr during the N [70] Breaching the Tomb questline. Four of them, initially inert, stand guard around the Tomb of Tyr alongside Titan Knowledge Matrixes and attack Watcher Koranos, Travard, and the player during N [70] The Remains of Tyr. Two more inert golems stand next to the Titan Console in the Darkwalk.

According to Koranos, the golems were forged by Tyr[1] and likely arrived to the tomb when Tyr's body was reforged to safeguard the keeper's lingering memory[2] and keep the tomb from collapsing.[1]


The golems start off Inert. They become active and attack one at a time.

  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Inert — Inactive and immune to all damage.

In combat:

  • Ability golemthunderclap.png Crush — Causes an enemy to take 50% increased Physical damage for 5 sec. Reduces the movement speed of the target by 50% for 5 sec. Inflicts Physical damage to an enemy.
  • Ability vehicle shellshieldgenerator.png Defense Matrix — Channels a barrier of protection, reducing all damage allies take by 70% while inside.
  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Golem Smash — Inflicts X Physical damage in a line in front of the caster.

Upon being brought to low health, the golem passes its spark on to another golem and enters a state of repairing:

  • Ability siege engineer automatic repair beam.png Repairing — Heals the caster for 13% of maximum health every 1 for 8 sec.

Objective of

Patch changes


  1. ^ a b N [70] Keeper's Rest
  2. ^ N [70] The Remains of Tyr

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