Shred the Alliance

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HordeShred the Alliance
Start Grekk
End Grekk
Level 15-30
Type Daily
Category Grizzly Hills
Experience 20750 (or 9g 96s at level 80)
Reputation +250 Warsong Offensive
Rewards  [Key to Refurbished Shredder]
5g 60s


Grekk at Blue Sky Logging Grounds wants you to acquire 3 shredders and return to him with them.


Read my lips, <class> - I need those shredders! Just as important - I need to keep them out of the hands of the alliance!

They've been refurbishing the shredders and using them against our brothers in Venture Bay. Now we're going to give them a taste of their own medicine!

You see a shredder out there, grab it! You see one of the alliance scum on one, kill 'em and then grab it! Once you have one, drive it back here to me and we'll get to work on it.



You will receive:
Inv misc key 14.png [Key to Refurbished Shredder]


Get me those shredders yet, <class>?


Good work, soldier!

Now take this key and get yourself down to Venture Bay. I'll let you use one of the refurbished shredders to unleash chaos on our enemies.

Oh yes, and talk to Darrok if you want to take the shortcut!

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