Shopping Around

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Hallow's End
The subject of this article or section is part of Hallow's End, a seasonal event that lasts two weeks. Once the event has run its course, this will no longer be available until next year, but there are no guarantees.
AllianceShopping Around
Start Auctioneer Fitch
End Hudson Barnes
Level 1-70
Category Hallow's End
Reputation +150 Stormwind
Rewards 12g 40s 50c at level 85
Previous A [1-70] Fencing the Goods
Next A [1-70] Taking Precautions
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [1-70] Shopping Around.


Make your way to the Shady Lady in Stormwind's Dwarven District and look for evidence of the crate-thief's visit.

  • Investigate the Shady Lady


I told the 'gentleman' that there might be a shop more suited to his needs in the Dwarven District. It's called the Shady Lady and you can find the entrance near the Canals on the western side of the district.

Quincy Cutler is your man. He trades in merchandise an honest broker would never touch!


You will receive: 12g 40s 50c at level 85


You look like you know something about these missing goods.


Finally, Cutler's given me something I can work with. Before I give up that information, I'm going to want to know who you're working for.


As you enter the Shady Lady, you find the owner Quincy Cutler being confronted by an archaeology student named Hudson Barnes. (It should be noted that at the time of this writing, should the quest be dropped for any reason, the dialogue will not start properly for some reason.)

Hudson Barnes says: Stop evading the question, Quincy! I know the thief was here with that crate.
Hudson Barnes says: The contents of that crate are very dangerous and they belong in a secure vault, not in the hands of some well-to-do, but ignorant collector!
Quincy Cutler says: Keep it down, will you? I'm trying to run a business here...
Quincy Cutler says: If you're willing to forget this crate thing, I can give you a good price on some recent arrivals from Uldum.
Hudson Barnes says: When the guards pay you a visit, I'm sure you'll have no problem explaining how you got your hands on those Uldum artifacts or that lovely painting.
Quincy Cutler says: Fine, fine. I might've given him the name of a private collector interested in that crate's contents.
Hudson turns to face you.
Hudson Barnes says: That's a start. And what about you, newcomer? You wouldn't be here if you weren't after the crate as well.


  1. A [1-70] A Friend in Need
  2. A [1-70] Missing Heirlooms
  3. A [1-70] Fencing the Goods
  4. A [1-70] Shopping Around
  5. A [1-70] Taking Precautions
  6. A [1-70] The Collector's Agent
  7. A [1-70] What Now?
  8. N [1-70] The Creepy Crate

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