Shooting the Breeze (Alliance)

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AllianceShooting the Breeze
Start Rangari Laara
End Rangari Laara
Level 35-40
Category Nagrand
Experience 14,930 experience
Rewards [Garrison Resources] (40)
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [35-40] Shooting the Breeze.


Collect 24 Breezestrider Horns from Breezestrider talbuk.


Kia and I are having a spirited debate over who kills more efficiently: SI:7 or rangari.

Care to get in on the wager, commander?

I've been focusing on talbuk because of their fierce majesty. They truly encapsulate the grandeur of Nagrand as any native of Draenor knows.


This outsider really thinks she can come here and best me in my own land?

Oh... sorry, commander. Present company excluded, of course.


Twenty-four, huh? That's fine work.

I brought back fifty.

I'll send someone out for the meat. Waste not, want not.


You will also receive: 15g


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