Shol'thoss the Doomspeaker

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MobShol'thoss the Doomspeaker
Image of Shol'thoss the Doomspeaker
Gender Male
Race K'thir (Aberration)
Level 52 Rare Elite
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Pit of Scales, Uldum[58.6, 82.8]
Status Killable

Shol'thoss the Doomspeaker is a k'thir located in the Pit of Scales in Uldum.


  • Spell priest void-blast.png Building Corruption — The void coalesces on the enemy, causing them to be afflicted by additional effects when hit by End of all Things.
  • Inv enchant voidsphere.png Corrupting Volley — Fires bolts of corrupted energy in all directions, inflicting Shadow damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Ability priest voidentropy.png Creeping Void — The void spills out around the caster, inflicting Shadow damage every 0.3 sec. Upon expiration, the released void explodes, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies within 15 yards and applying Building Corruption.
  • Spell priest voidform.png End of all Things — Releases a surge of Void energy, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies. Enemies afflicted by Building Corruption explode at a low amount of applications, become feared at medium amount of applications, and are immediately killed at maximum applications.
  • Spell shadow possession.png Fear of the Void — The target's Building Corruption seeps into their mind, causing them to flee in fear for 4 sec.
  • Spell priest voidtendrils.png Void Tentacle — Summons a void tentacle at a nearby location that will attack any players nearby for 30 sec.


Objective of

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