Shatter Them!

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NeutralShatter Them!
Start Gravel Longslab
End Gravel Longslab
Level 30-35
Category Deepholm
Experience 34900
Rewards 8g 20s
Previous N [30-35] Sealing the Way, N [30-35] Thunder Stones
Next Troggzor the Earthinator


Slay any 12 stone troggs on the Fractured Battlefront.

  • Fractured Battlefront stone troggs slain x12


I want you to go out there and I want you to finish them.

Berserkers, Earthrenders, Deathriders... I don't care. I want those stone troggs shattered!


You will receive: 8g 20s


I need you to shatter a few more, <name>


That's a good dent, but it's clear to me that we're going to have to handle this a slightly different way.


Pick up N [30-35] Battlefront Triage and N [30-35] Fixer Upper before heading out. Deathriders are death knights, who open with [Death Grip]!


  1. N [30-35] Where's Goldmine?
  2. N [30-35] Explosive Bonding Compound / N [30-35] Something that Burns
  3. N [30-35] Apply and Flash Dry
  4. N [30-35] Take Him to the Earthcaller
  5. N [30-35] To Stonehearth's Aid
  6. N [30-35] The Quaking Fields
  7. N [30-35] The Axe of Earthly Sundering / N [30-35] Elemental Ore
  8. N [30-35] One With the Ground
  9. N [30-35] Bring Down the Avalanche
  10. Complete all of:
  11. N [30-35] Shatter Them! / N [30-35] Battlefront Triage / N [30-35] Fixer Upper
  12. N [30-35] Troggzor the Earthinator
  13. N [30-35] Rush Delivery
  14. N [30-35] Close Escort
  15. N [30-35] Keep Them off the Front
  16. N [30-35] Reactivate the Constructs / N [30-35] Mystic Masters
  17. N [30-35] Down Into the Chasm
  18. N [30-35] Sprout No More / N [30-35] Fungal Monstrosities
  19. N [30-35] A Slight Problem
  20. N [30-35] Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint
  21. N [30-35] The Hero Returns
  22. N [30-35] The Middle Fragment

Patch changes

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