Mystic Masters

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NeutralMystic Masters
Start Flint Oremantle
End Flint Oremantle
Level 30-35
Category Deepholm
Experience 43900
Rewards  [Gloves of Troggslaying] or  [Troggbreaker Shoulderpads] or  [Troggbane Chestguard]
8g 60s
Previous N [30-35] Keep Them off the Front
Next N [30-35] Down Into the Chasm


Slay 5 Needlerock Mystics.


The Needlerock mystics have taken control of the fungal giants that have sprouted in their chasm, down below. Now they seek to contol our war constructs.

Go north into Needlerock Slag and do something about it! Isn't that what you're here for?


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv gauntlets cloth cataclysm b 01.png [Gloves of Troggslaying] Inv shoulder leather cataclysm b 01.png [Troggbreaker Shoulderpads]
Inv chest mail 21.png [Troggbane Chestguard]

You will also receive: 8g 60s


Do I have to go in there and do it myself, <name>?


A few less stone troggs is always a good thing. Glad to see that you're a decent <class> after all.

We'll soon know the exact location where they're keeping my father captive. Hope you survive until then.


Pick up N [30-35] Reactivate the Constructs before heading out. Fly over the front line, then land when safely past the spawning troggs and fungal giants. Run in and activate a construct, then use it to help kill a trogg. Then repeat.


  1. N [30-35] Where's Goldmine?
  2. N [30-35] Explosive Bonding Compound / N [30-35] Something that Burns
  3. N [30-35] Apply and Flash Dry
  4. N [30-35] Take Him to the Earthcaller
  5. N [30-35] To Stonehearth's Aid
  6. N [30-35] The Quaking Fields
  7. N [30-35] The Axe of Earthly Sundering / N [30-35] Elemental Ore
  8. N [30-35] One With the Ground
  9. N [30-35] Bring Down the Avalanche
  10. Complete all of:
  11. N [30-35] Shatter Them! / N [30-35] Battlefront Triage / N [30-35] Fixer Upper
  12. N [30-35] Troggzor the Earthinator
  13. N [30-35] Rush Delivery
  14. N [30-35] Close Escort
  15. N [30-35] Keep Them off the Front
  16. N [30-35] Reactivate the Constructs / N [30-35] Mystic Masters
  17. N [30-35] Down Into the Chasm
  18. N [30-35] Sprout No More / N [30-35] Fungal Monstrosities
  19. N [30-35] A Slight Problem
  20. N [30-35] Rescue the Stonefather... and Flint
  21. N [30-35] The Hero Returns
  22. N [30-35] The Middle Fragment

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