Sharth Voldoun (sinstone)

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Sharth Voldoun's sinstone (in the center of the image).

The sinstone of Sharth Voldoun is found in the northeastern upper level of Dominance Keep in Revendreth.[36.01, 20.76] It belongs to the blood elf Sharth Voldoun.


Sharth Voldoun

One of the first to assume the mantle of Blood Knight, Sharth Voldoun had the courage and tenacity to lead the team who created the first true mana bomb to be unleashed upon the mortal plane.

Though some might insist such an act would merit immediate exile to the Maw, his fierce, unwavering dedication to both his people and their cause earned him a chance at redemption in Revendreth.

Objective of


  • During development, this sinstone read:
    One of the first to assume the mantle of Blood Knight, Sharth Voldoun had the courage and tenacity to lead the team who created the first true mana bomb to be unleashed upon the mortal plane.
    While such an act would normally lead to his immediate exile to the Maw, it was his dedication to forced manipulation of the vile naaru that earned him a chance at redemption in Revendreth.

Patch changes

External links