Shadow of Doom

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MobShadow of Doom
Image of Shadow of Doom
Race Shade (Undead)
Level 62 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scourge
Location Various
Scourge Invasion
The subject of this article or section was part of the Scourge Invasion, a two-time world event that heralded the opening of Naxxramas in patch 1.11.0, and the opening of Northrend in patch 3.0.2.

Shadows of Doom can be found in Azshara, Blasted Lands, Burning Steppes, Eastrn Plaguelands, Tanaris and Winterspring during the Scourge Invasion.

They spawn after disrupting the ritual of one of the four Cultist Engineers surrounding Necrotic Shards with eight  [Necrotic Rune].



  • Fear
  • Mind Flay
  • Scourge Strike

Objective of



  • These heroics mean nothing, <class>. Your future is sealed and your soul is doomed to servitude!
  • Your battle here is but the smallest mote of a world wide invasion, whelp! It is time you learned of the powers you face!
  • You will not stop our deepening shadow, <class>. Now... join us! Join the ranks of the Chosen!
  • Our dark master has noticed your trifling, and sends me to bring a message... of doom!

Patch changes

External links