Server:Dark Iron US/Crafting Index

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This article is an information page for the Dark Iron realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

The Crafting Index serves the purpose of listing known enchanters and crafters by their respective items and enchants.

Feel free to add yourself to the mentioned areas; we won't mind, so long as you are truthful. Please keep any information posted correct; it would be nice if you could insert yourself alphabetically as well. When you do edit, leave a note on the discussion page or at the edit page. If you see an inactive crafter, go ahead and move him to the bottom (don't forget to delete his entries in the text).

Rep gear may be added to the list, until there are 10+ able to craft (total). However, please do not add items with a loot quality of rare or lower. Leave a note at the [[Talk:Server:Dark Iron US/Crafting Index|talk page]] for major edits to this page.

To edit this page, click the edit button in the correct category. Note that for all categories, you must insert your name between the second set of brackets and the break code. Also note that no break code is required between the last entry of one category and the category header. Thanks!

Please see Dark Iron US/Enchants for the new location of enchants.

Cloaks and miscellaneous

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Phaded
[Circlet of Arcane Might]
[Coronet of Verdant Flame]
[Riding Crop] Surkhan
[Stabilized Eternium Scope] Raffle Elzartwo, Funkyslasher, Billdoh

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Manaweave Cloak] Farberian Etherus
[Night's End]
[Resolute Cape] Lyavin, Alessa, Farberian Etherus, Morganweb, Hecuba
[Vengeance Wrap] Farberian, Zethus Morganweb, Cobaltfire

Weapons & Offhands/Shields

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Dirge] Leek, Daedelus, Trippy, Noran, Miautrix Baraz, Funkyslasher, Giott
[Eternium Runed Blade] Pablopain Chaw, Funkyslasher
[Fel Edged Battleaxe] Daedelus, Cyansylph Eldoon, Ujin, Plagueis, Thezen
[Fel Hardened Maul] Noran Funkyslasher
[Felsteel Longblade] Scytheundead
[Felsteel Reaper] Plagueis, Xiao, Baraz
[Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer] Crives
[Hand of Eternity] Funkyslasher, Isotopian, Plagueis, Ujin, Zooti
[Khorium Champion] Ghazhkull, Funkyslasher, Plagueis
[Runic Hammer] Daedelus Baraz, Funkyslasher

Cloth Items

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Battlecast Hood] Morganweb
[Battlecast Pants] Therra Morganweb
[Belt of the Long Road] Dakae Morganweb
[Belt of Blasting] Civatateo, Diggzz, Oolaa
[Black Belt of Knowledge] Farberian Konishi
[Girdle of Ruination] Nudge, Mokkosmik, Farberian, Bratta, Kebab Theseraph, Satos, Etherus, Hecuba
[Soulcloth Gloves] Bratta, Kahlanrahl Morganweb, Hecuba
[Soulcloth Shoulders] Morganweb
[Soulcloth Vest] Morganweb
[Spellstrike Hood] Hecuba
[Spellstrike Pants] Therra
[Unyielding Girdle] Farberian Morganweb, Tiitar
[Whitemend Hood]
[Whitemend Pants] Kahlanrahl Hecuba

Leather Items

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Cobrascale Gloves] Andranyche Hecuba
[Cobrascale Hood] Peria, Therussion, Therussian Surkhan, Nitereaver, Hecuba
[Gloves of the Living Touch] Maellas, Therussian Surkhan, Hecuba
[Hood of Primal Life] Therussian Surkhan, Pillsberry, Hecuba
[Windscale Hood] Amroth, Gher Hecuba
[Windslayer Wraps] Maellas, Peria Pillsberry, Hecuba

Mail Items

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Belt of the Black Eagle] Hugehoss, Ourai
[Earthen Netherscale Boots] Maellas, Xiryc
[Felfury Gauntlets] Pablopain Yawn
[Living Dragonscale Helm] Amroth, Maellas, Peria, Andranyche Surkhan, Pillsberry
[Netherdrake Gloves] Cellah Pillsberry, Hecuba
[Netherdrake Helm] Amroth, Maellas Surkhan, Hecuba
[Storm Helm] Prologue Baraz, Funkyslasher, Scytheundead
[Thick Netherscale Breastplate] Maellas Pillsbery, Hecuba
[Windstrike Gloves] Amroth, Andranyche, Maellas Deadrage, Pillsberry, Hecuba

Plate Items

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
[Black Felsteel Bracers] Baraz
[Blessed Bracers] Leek Funkyslasher
[Bracers of the Green Fortress] Lura Baraz, Ghazhkull, Greemar, Plagueis, Funkyslasher
[Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Baraz, Greemar
[Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Leek, Noran Baraz
[Oathkeeper's Helm] Deadelus, Daonan Funkyslasher, Yawn
[Steelgrip Gauntlets] Leek


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
+80 Arcane, Holy & Nature Spell Dmg Silvära, Kitheria
+35 All Resist, +18 All Stats Silvära, Kitheria
Fortification Chookz, Calia, Machetephil, Azaile, Zethus, Chimney, Crosswen, Corkeh, Kitheria Thatwarlock, Mutzu, Zooti, Goosestep, Bubblewrap, Koheed, Serhan
Mighty Restoration Cipro, Chimney, Crosswen, Silvära, Kitheria Zevyr, Zodak, Zooti, Checkit, Thatwarlock, Bubblewrap, Tessie
+80 Shadow, Fire & Frost Spell Dmg Silvära, Kitheria, Vanillarose, Azaile, Chimney, Machetephil, Zethus, Crosswen Triplex, Thatwarlock, Bubblewrap, Koheed, Serhan, Zodak
Relentless Assault Svidrigailov, Altairina, Ayejaye, Crosswen, Kitheria Narghile, Zodak, Zooti, Bubblewrap

Inactive Crafters

Horde |Menaril