Servant of Razelikh

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MobServant of Razelikh
Image of Servant of Razelikh
Gender Both
Race(s) Orc, Jungle troll, Tauren, Forsaken (Humanoid)
Level 57
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Shadowsworn
Location Blasted Lands[63.6, 40.7]

Servants of Razelikh are followers of Razelikh the Defiler. They can be found around the Dark Portal crater in the Blasted Lands.

They cannot be killed by normal means, to kill them you'll have to damage them down to about 5% of their hp, and then click the crystal near them (this can only be done if you have accepted N [57] The Stones That Bind Us).

Objective of


  • Finally, released from his cursed grasp. Father, I come...
  • Finally, the agony ceases....
  • The Defiler... must warn Thrall...


Patch changes

External links