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Seek the Lost

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NeutralSeek the Lost
Start Scout Wayshelm
End Scout Wayshelm
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] Status Report
Next N [75-78] Stem the Flow, N [75-78] Mow the Masses


Look for a member of Wayshelm's party.


Guard our ways, repel the dark. Civilize this twisted land. All in the name of our empire. This is the mission of the Arathi Army. A mission I can heed no longer.

I am afraid.

I won't go back into the dark. Not after what I've seen. If Maevest or any of my other companions survived, they must crave the mercy of a swift death. And I left them to that terror.

Tell Captain Trueflame her scouts died in darkness, one and all.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP


<Scout Wayshelm gazes into the flames of his campfire.>


<Scout Wayshelm clutches the compass tight and finally raises his gaze to regard you.>


On accept:

Scout Wayshelm says: I won't go back into the darkness. I can't.

Head to the marked location to find the corpse of Scout Maevest on the edge of a pond. Don't get in the water, or the Itching Waters will lead to a Parasitic Infestation. Interact with the corpse and three Parasitic Wasps pop out!

Parasitic Wasps violently emerge from the scout's disturbed corpse.

Also popping out is  [Maevest's Compass]. Fend off the wasps, pick up the compass, and return it to Wayshelm.

On complete, Wayshelm has new gossip:

I am all that remains of my patrol. The others, my comrades... I failed them.


  1. N [75-78] Status Report
  2. N [75-78] Seek the Lost
  3. N [75-78] Stem the Flow & N [75-78] Mow the Masses
  4. N [75-78] What Grows in the Dark

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