Second Sight (Horde)

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HordeSecond Sight
Start Allari the Souleater
End Allari the Souleater
Level 10-45
Category Durotar
Class Demon hunter Demon hunter
Rewards 11g 60s
Previous H Demon hunter [10-45] Audience with the Warchief
Next H Demon hunter [10-45] Demons Among Them
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A Demon hunter [10-45] Second Sight.


Use your [Spectral Sight].

  • Spectral Sight used


Sylvanas becoming Warchief may be problematic. In life she was a proud ranger, known to many in our ranks. But since the Scourge took her, some of her own allies do not trust the Banshee Queen.

The Legion will strike at the first hint of dissension.

Even now, I sense something amiss, <name>. I fear that not all is as it seems.

Quickly, use your Spectral Sight. We must know if there are foes among us!


You will receive: 11g 60s


Time is precious.


Of course the Legion would try to infiltrate this funeral. With the leaders of the Horde gathered in one place at one time, it was too tasty of a target for the demons to resist.


Use Second sight anywhere in the area: demons are hiding everywhere!


  1. H Demon hunter [10-45] Audience with the Warchief
  2. H Demon hunter [10-45] Second Sight
  3. H Demon hunter [10-45] Demons Among Them
  4. H Demon hunter [10-45] A Weapon of the Horde
  5. H [10-45] Calling of the Council

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