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Search for Survivors

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NeutralSearch for Survivors
Start Laborer Mitchell
End Outrider Lashan
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Uldum
Experience 17,850
Reputation +75 Uldum Accord
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] Word from Orsis
Next N [50] To Ankhaten Harbor


Check 8 Wastewanders in Orsis.


The bugs came from everywhere... There wasn't any time to react.

Many of my friends died where they stood, while others tried to fight with our meager tools.

I'm a coward. I fled in the commotion instead of trying to help.

Now, here I am, out of food and water and too scared to look for survivors.

Please, I beg you to help anyone you find left alive in Orsis...


You will receive:


Is anyone still alive out there?


I am in no shape to face those creatures right now. I appreciate your help <Name>.



  1. N [50] Word from Orsis
  2. N [50] Search for Survivors
  3. N [50] To Ankhaten Harbor
  4. N [50] Burn the Bodies & N [50] Wastewander Hosts
  5. N [50] Ruins of Ammon
  6. N [50] Tend the Wounded & N [50] Ruinator Xok'nixx & N [50] A Bit of Investigation
  7. N [50] Obelisk of the Sun
  8. N [50] All Gassed Up & N [50] Aqir Extermination
  9. N [50] To the Moon

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