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Ruinator Xok'nixx (quest)

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NeutralRuinator Xok'nixx
Start Mender Dyrin
End Mender Dyrin
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Uldum
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Uldum Accord
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] Ruins of Ammon
Next N [50] Obelisk of the Sun


Kill Ruinator Xok'nixx.


Ar'kali and a group of our warriors are engaged with a most behemothic creature in the heart of the ruins.

She can hold her own against nearly any foe, but I fear it is only a matter of time before this monster is able to wear them down.

Although the creature is occupied for now, if our warriors fall, the ruins will be lost to us.

Please, make haste, with your help they can surely fell this titanic foe.


You will receive:


How is the situation within the ruins?


You are a capable fighter. Thank you for assisting our warriors!




  1. N [50] Word from Orsis
  2. N [50] Search for Survivors
  3. N [50] To Ankhaten Harbor
  4. N [50] Burn the Bodies & N [50] Wastewander Hosts
  5. N [50] Ruins of Ammon
  6. N [50] Tend the Wounded & N [50] Ruinator Xok'nixx & N [50] A Bit of Investigation
  7. N [50] Obelisk of the Sun
  8. N [50] All Gassed Up & N [50] Aqir Extermination
  9. N [50] To the Moon

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