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Aqir Extermination

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NeutralAqir Extermination
Start Zahra Sandstalker
End Zahra Sandstalker
Level 50 (Requires 50)
Category Uldum
Experience 17,850
Reputation +250 Uldum Accord
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [50] Obelisk of the Sun
Next N [50] To the Moon


Kill 10 Aqir Impalers.


There are too many of these things flyin' around for us to make a clean getaway.

We're liable to get swarmed the second we start up them plane engines!

These bugs are going straight back into the ground... one way or another. May as well expedite the process, know what I mean?


You will receive:


You manage to clean up some of them bugs?


That should help keep the runway clear for a bit!




  1. N [50] Word from Orsis
  2. N [50] Search for Survivors
  3. N [50] To Ankhaten Harbor
  4. N [50] Burn the Bodies & N [50] Wastewander Hosts
  5. N [50] Ruins of Ammon
  6. N [50] Tend the Wounded & N [50] Ruinator Xok'nixx & N [50] A Bit of Investigation
  7. N [50] Obelisk of the Sun
  8. N [50] All Gassed Up & N [50] Aqir Extermination
  9. N [50] To the Moon

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