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Scarlet Champion (Legion)

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For other versions, see Scarlet Champion and Scarlet Champion (Scarlet Enclave).
MobScarlet Champion
Image of Scarlet Champion
Gender Both
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 110
Class Warrior
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Scarlet Crusade
Location Scarlet Monastery
Status Killable

Scarlet Champions were humans located in Scarlet Monastery when the Ebon Blade attacked it to raise Sally Whitemane during the Burning Legion's third invasion.

Objective of


  • The Light condemns all who harbor evil. Now you will die!
  • The Scarlet Crusade shall smite the wicked and drive evil from these lands!
  • There is no escape for you. The Crusade shall destroy all who carry the Scourge's taint.
  • You carry the taint of the Scourge. Prepare to enter the Twisting Nether.

Patch changes

External links