Scalefang Stormbringer

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MobScalefang Stormbringer
Image of Scalefang Stormbringer
Gender Both
Race Sethrak (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Faithless
Location Scalefang Outpost, Vol'dun
Status Killable
A Sethrak Stormbringer prior to patch 8.1.5.

Scalefang Stormbringers are sethrak located at Scalefang Outpost in Vol'dun. Many are seen standing next to dormant Mecha-Golems, apparently trying to empower them with lightning.


  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil greenoil.png "Non-Toxic" Lubricant — Cover the target in "non-toxic" lubricant, which inflicts 5 Nature damage every 3 sec and increases their Haste by 25% for 9 sec.
  • Ability skyreach wind wall.png Dervish — The Dervish inflicts Nature damage to all caught within its confines.
  • Inv misc wrench 01.png Spanner Storm — Swirling spanners inflict 10 Nature damage every 1 sec.


  • For the Emperor!
  • For the glory of the sethrak empire!
  • Let your death be a lesson to the others!
  • Like sand, you will be scattered and forgotten!
  • Our empire's dawn is your extinction!
  • The sands will swallow you!
  • We have dominion over all!
  • We will eradicate you like insects!
  • You cannot stop the sands from spreading!
  • You will shatter like glass!
  • Your lands are next to fall!
  • I failed you... Korthek...
  • My death... will be... avenged...
  • My life... for the empire...
  • The sands... will spread...
  • This cannot be...
  • This is not... the end...
  • We will not... be stopped...
  • You have not... won...

Objective of

Patch changes

  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.1.5 (2019-03-12): Renamed from Sethrak Stormbringer to Scalefang Stormbringer. Now uses different weapons. "Non-Toxic" Lubricant and Spanner Storm abilities added.
  • BattleForAzeroth-Logo-Small.png Patch 8.0.1 (2018-07-17): Added.

External links