Sayge's Fortunes

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Main article: Darkmoon Faire

After Sayge tells your fortune, you will receive a buff depending on the answers you gave.

Guide to answering Sayge

Here is a chart of the buffs with answers you need to give to get them.

Sayge presents scenarios, as follows:

A. "You have been tasked by your liege to guard his fields of corn from poachers and thieves. One night, on patrol, you stumble across a haggard man in thread-bare clothing stealing corn from the field. You quickly confront him, and he immediately begs for his life. He claims he is stealing corn to feed his family since the lord of the land - your liege - demands too much in taxes. Your liege is indeed known from his harsh taxes throughout the land. Make your choice."


1. I slay the man on the spot as my liege would expect me to do, as he nothing more than a thief and a liar. (GO TO SCENARIO 'B')

2. I turn over the man to my liege for punishment, as he has broken the law of the land and it is my sworn duty to enforce it. (GO TO SCENARIO 'C')

3. I confiscate the corn he has stolen, warn him that stealing is a path toward doom and destruction, but I let him go to return to his family. (GO TO SCENARIO 'D')

4. I allow the man to take enough corn to feed his family for a couple of days, encouraging him to leave the land. (GO TO SCENARIO 'E')

Scneario B. "You are the sworn executioner for your liege. A man has been sent to you for execution as a traitor of the liege and your people. You know this individual as a close, virtuous friend who mysteriously vanished one day. You also know that the man's crimes for which he was convicted supposedly caused the deaths of many innocent civilians. Upon seeing you he begs for his life, claiming he was framed by a higher authority. Make your choice."

1. (+10% Damage) I execute him as per my liege's instructions, and do it in such a manner that he suffers painfully before he dies as retribution for his crimes against my people.

2. (+10% Magic Resistance) I execute him as per my liege's instructions, but doing so in as painless of a way as possible. Justice must be served, but I can show some compassion.

3. (+10% Armor) I risk my own life and free him so that he may prove his innocence. If I can, I'll help him in any way.

Scenario C. "You are on a diplomatic mission for your liege to a cruel country that is currently at war with your's. The war has been costly on both sides. Your mission is to secure a peace that is honorable to both peoples. At a diplomatic dinner, you overhear the ruler of the opposing land viciously insult your benevolent liege. You are fairly certain the ruler meant to say it out of your earshot, but nonetheless he has besmirched your liege's honor. Make your choice."

1. (+1% Versatility) I not-so-quietly ignore the insult, hoping to instill a fear in the ruler that he may have gaffed. I then inform my liege of the insult when I return.

2. (+10% Intellect) I confront the ruler on his malicious behavior, upholding my liege's honor at the risk of any future diplomacy.

3. (+10% Magic Resistance) I quietly ignore the insult. I will not tell my liege, as I am to secure a peace at all costs. It's only an insult - not a declaration of war.

Scenario D. "Your brother seeks to join the ranks of the prestigious military order you are already a part of. While you are sure of his commitment and loyalty, his talent and ability to perform the arduous tasks of the order is what you question. While you are not certain he will be able to rise to the challenge of the order - putting himself and others in dangers - you are certain that your word alone would allow him in or keep him out. Make your choice."

1. (+10% Stamina) I would speak against my brother joining the order, rushing a permanent breach in our relationship. He would be a danger to himself and those around him, and that is too great a risk hoping he would improve over time.

2. (+10% Strength) I would speak for my brother joining the order, potentially risking the safety of the order. I could help him with the order's regimens, and I'd have faith in his ability to adapt and learn.

3. (+10% Agility) I would create some surreptitious means to keep my brother out of the order. I can keep him out without him being any bit wiser, thereby saving our familial bonds.

Scenario E. "You alone have defeated a terrible beast that has been ravaging the countryside, taking its ear as a trophy. You later learn that your liege had offered a reward for the beast's death, and that a kind but destitute knight who you know is trying to support a family by meager means claims the beast's kill as his own. You have no real need for money yourself, but you know that the destitute knight is lying for his own personal gain. Make your choice."

1. (+10% Intellect) I would show my liege the beast's ear and claim the beast's death as my own, taking the reward for my own use. It is wrong to claim a deed as your own that someone else in fact did.

2. (+1% Versatility) I would show my liege the beast's ear and claim the beast's death as my own - after all, I did slay it. I would then offer some of the reward to the destitute knight to help his family.

3. (+10% Armor) I would remain silent about the kill and allow the knight to claim the reward to aid his family.

Buff Received Effect Answer to
Question 1
Answer to
Question 2
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage Increases all damage by 1 to 10%. 1 1
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance Increases all magic resistance by 25% 1 2
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor Increases armor by 10% 1 3
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Versatility Increases versatility by 1% 2 1
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence Increases intellect by 10% 2 2
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance Increases all magic resistance by 25% 2 3
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina Increases stamina by 10% 3 1
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength Increases strength by 10% 3 2
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility Increases agility by 10% 3 3
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence Increases intellect by 10% 4 1
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Versatility Increases versatility by 1% 4 2
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor Increases armor by 10% 4 3

Here are the results based on the following answers:

1. "Slay the Man" (+Damage, +Magic Resist, or +Armor)

1. +1 to 10% Damage - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Execute your friend painfully
2. +25 All Resistances - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Execute your friend painlessly
3. +10% Armor - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor
1st: Slay the Man
2nd: Let your friend go

2. "Turn him over to liege" (+Versatility, +Intellect, or +Magic Resist)

1. +1% Versatility - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Versatility
1st: Turn him over to liege
2nd: Confront the diplomat
2. +10% Intellect - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence
1st: Turn him over to liege
2nd: Show not so quiet defiance
3. +25 All Resistances - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance
1st: Turn him over to liege
2nd: Remain quiet

3. "Confiscate the corn" (+Stamina, +Strength, or +Agility)

1. +10% Stamina - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Stamina
1st: Confiscate the corn
2nd: Speak against your brother openly
2. +10% Strength - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Strength
1st: Confiscate the corn
2nd: Help your brother in
3. +10% Agility - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Agility
1st: Confiscate the Corn
2nd: Keep your brother out without letting him know

4. "Let him go and have the corn" (+Intellect, +Versatility, or +Armor)

1. +10% Intellect - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Intelligence
1st: Let him go and have the corn
2nd: Take credit, keep gold
2. +1% Versatility - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Versatility
1st: Let him go and have the corn
2nd: Take credit, share the gold
3. +10% Armor - Sayge's Dark Fortune of Armor
1st: Let him go and have the corn
2nd: Let the knight take credit


The Dark Fortune buffs are removed upon entering the a raid instance or PvP instance. The cooldown on Sayge's ability grant a Dark Fortune to your character will not reset when this occurs, so plan accordingly.

Text of the Fortunes

Example fortune from Sayge

When you answer Sayge's questions and receive the buff, you will receive a fortune item in your inventory with a random saying upon it. Most of these items are for flavor and humor only and can be safely discarded. A few of the items will start a quest if you right click on them.

Below is a list of the sayings found on each fortune. If the given item started a quest, it is noted here as well.[1]


Removed from game The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.3.0.


  • Sayge is an homage to the classic Ultima series of role-playing games. In Ultima IV, V, VI and IX, the game began with a meeting with The Gypsy fortune teller, and your answers to her moral dilemmas determined the stats your character would begin with.

Patch changes

  • Legion Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19):
    • Spirit replaced with Versatility.
    • Dark Fortune of Spirit renamed to Dark Fortune of Versatility and stat bonus reduced to 1%, down from 10%.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.7.0 (2005-09-13):
    • Sayge's Dark Fortune of Resistance now adds +25 to all schools instead of +10%.
    • Sayge's buffs at the Darkmoon Faire are now exclusive to one another.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.6.0 (2005-07-12): Added.
