Your Fortune Awaits You... (2)

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NeutralYour Fortune Awaits You...
Start [Sayge's Fortune #24]
End Mysterious Deadmines Chest
Level 60 (Requires 10)
Category Darkmoon Faire
Experience 650
Rewards  [Mysterious Lockbox]


Travel to the Deadmines in Westfall and seek out your fortune.


"Your fortune awaits you inside the Deadmines." The fortune Sayge handed you feels slightly warm to the touch. Grasping it firmly, you see an image of the Deadmines inside Westfall's ruined hamlet of Moonbrook. Focusing closer in on the image, you wind about twisty passages until you reach a shimmering portal... one that leads into the heart of the mines itself. Stepping through it, a strange chest appears out from nowhere.


This chest looks like the one from your vision...


A quick search of the chest reveals a lockbox from within it!  It would seem that you have found your fortune!


You will receive:
Inv box 02.png [Mysterious Lockbox]



See also

Patch changes

External links