Flourishing Protector

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NeutralFlourishing Protector
Image of Flourishing Protector
Flourishing Protector
Race Ancient protector (Elemental)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Felwood
Status Alive

The Flourishing Protector is an ancient protector located in Felwood.

He sprouted from the ground as a Seedling Protector when an adventurer poured a vial of moonwell water on the hill between the three ancients in Irontree Woods.[1] The adventurer helped the seedling to find rich soil and food, and it grew into a Sapling Protector. The protector then asked the adventurer to help him find sunlight to bask in, and to destroy the sickened treants in the area. This freed the treants' spirits from their rotting bodies and allowed the protector to house them safely together within his own body.[2]

After he became the Flourishing Protector, there was one more task before he set his roots: He asked the adventurer to slay the Withered Protector, the only ancient to have grown to maturity since the forest was ruined. Like the treants, the Withered Protector's body was sick and his mind was mad, but the spirits within him could still be saved.[3]

Finally, the Flourishing Protector asked the adventurer to bring him back to the hill where he was born. There, he would set his roots and grow in the shadows of the ancients who came before him.[4]


Seedling Protector
Sapling Protector
Flourishing Protector


Seedling Protector

<The seedling tilts its leaves up towards you, as if looking in your direction.>

Sapling Protector
  • Hello!
  • I'm a tree!
  • Wakey wakey!
Flourishing Protector
Main article: Rejoining the Forest#Notes

I can feel my branches surging with life. I cannot wait to give it back to the land.


Patch changes


External links

Seedling Protector Sapling Protector Flourishing Protector