Sanngror the Torturer

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MobSanngror the Torturer
Image of Sanngror the Torturer
Gender Male
Race Kyrian (Humanoid)
Level 62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Mawsworn
Location Torturer's Hovel, Maw [55.8, 68.1]
Status Killable

Sanngror the Torturer is a Mawsworn kyrian located in the Torturer's Hovel of the Beastwarrens in the Maw. Players will come across Sanngror and two Mawsworn Ritualists using what's left of a Diminshed Essence for some ritual. Clear out the ritualists to make Sanngror attackable.

Killing Sanngror the Torturer awards 40 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 45 [Stygia], and 300 points of threat (30% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer. Sanngror also has a slim chance to drop  [Sanngor's Spiked Band] and  [Sharpclaw].


  • Spell shadow painspike.png Shadow Rip — Rips at an enemy, inflicting Shadow damage and causing them to bleed for additional Shadow damage every 2 sec for 8 sec. 1.5 sec cast.
  • Spell animamaw wave.png Tormentous Crash — Infuses the caster's weapon with dark energies and brings it down hard, inflicting Shadow damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster. 2 sec cast.
  • Inv shadebeastmount blue.png Transmute Anima — Transforms an enemy into a Soul Eater, forcing it to wander around for up to 5 sec. While wandering, the Soul Eater cannot attack or cast spells.

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